Vance's Rocket and Spacecraft Links: A number of links I have found which may prove interesting to spaceship and rocket junkies, some history, some obscure current info
Vance's Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Links:  a lot of good data on "new diseases" such as Ebola and Mad Cow Disease problem in Britain, as well as weaponized disease strains and chemical weapons
MILNET: Open Source Military Information Database: A list of US military and other source links with authentic military information for writers and historians
The Terrorism Research Center : Many serious essays and resources on the topic of terrorism
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases : Also known as USAMRIID, the Army research outfit in the movie "Outbreak"
US Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command: A new command which comprises the former U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command (CBDCOM) at the Edgewood Area of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland; and the U.S. Army Soldier Systems Command (SSCOM) located in Natick, Massachusetts. The new command has a mission to develop and implement soldier, chemical, and biological defense systems and provide for safe storage and treaty compliance of the U.S. chemical weapons stockpile. SBCCOM will foster partnerships to achieve joint capabilities for military and civilian protection (such as a Domestic Preparedness Team to support FBI and FEMA counter-terrorist capabilities).
Index of Air University Library Publications on Special Ops: (ok, so I'm biased, I used to be an AFROTC cadet, so the Air Force goes first... somebody had to... : )
US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-7 (AFDD 2-7), Special Operations:
Home page of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (US Marine Corps):
Unofficial page about the US Navy SEAL special warfare units: by former SEAL commandos
Joint Publication 3-05 Doctrine For Joint Special Operations : This publication was prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and covers joint SpecOps activities of the US Armed Forces
Unofficial but good page on the US Army Special Forces ("Green Berets"):
Council on East Asian Libraries page on North Korea: Military: A lot of online info on North Korean nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons systems and current assessments of their military
USDoD Current Joint Pubs : A list of current Joint Service Publications (covering joint operations between the various US Armed Forces)
USDoD Defense Technical Information Center home page:
Joint Staff, J-7, Joint Doctrine Division Support Group publications index page:
US Joint Chiefs of Staff Service Publications:
High Speed Web Sites for Army Organizations: Web sites on just about everyplace public in
Army Doctrine and Training Digital Library : The Army Doctrine and Training Digital Library (ADTDL), an electronic "library without walls," is the single repository of approved Army training and doctrine information.
DefenseLINK: the official web site for the US Department of Defense This is the starting point for finding U.S. military information online.
United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) home page:
US Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT) : The Joint Special Operations command covering 20 nations throughout Northeast Africa, the Middle East and Southwest Asia.
BMDOLINK: the US Ballistic Missile Defense Organization's home page - The true story on what some idiot in the press called the "Star Wars" program.
Defense Intelligence Agency home page:
Defense Special Weapons Agency home page:
National Security Agency home page:
Koba's home page: contains a bazillion links to Russian and equivalent US defense, military, and space agency Web sites

Rocket and Spacecraft Links
Civilian Links
Chemical/Biological Warfare Links